Sunday 24 June 2012

Ex6: VBA - Create relations using DAO

Create relations between tables using DAO in VBA

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

'Constants for examining how a field is indexed.
Private Const intcIndexNone As Integer = 0
Private Const intcIndexGeneral As Integer = 1
Private Const intcIndexUnique As Integer = 3
Private Const intcIndexPrimary As Integer = 7Function CreateRelationDAO()
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim rel As DAO.Relation
    Dim fld As DAO.Field
    Set db = CurrentDb()
    'Create a new relation.
    Set rel = db.CreateRelation("tblDaoContractortblDaoBooking")
    'Define its properties.
    With rel
        'Specify the primary table.
        .Table = "tblDaoContractor"
        'Specify the related table.
        .ForeignTable = "tblDaoBooking"
        'Specify attributes for cascading updates and deletes.
        .Attributes = dbRelationUpdateCascade + dbRelationDeleteCascade
        'Add the fields to the relation.
        'Field name in primary table.
        Set fld = .CreateField("ContractorID")
        'Field name in related table.
        fld.ForeignName = "ContractorID"
        'Append the field.
        .Fields.Append fld
        'Repeat for other fields if a multi-field relation.
    End With
    'Save the newly defined relation to the Relations collection.
    db.Relations.Append rel
    'Clean up
    Set fld = Nothing
    Set rel = Nothing
    Set db = Nothing
    Debug.Print "Relation created."
End Function

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